Español 7 – Señora Martin
Welcome to Español 7! In seventh grade you will continue to learn how to express yourself in basic daily situations and you will learn to have a better understanding of the contemporary Spanish Speaking world and its culture.
Course Requirements
Materials needed for class daily
Chromebook & earphones (please bring in your own)
- Binder 1 ½ inch with approx. 20 sheets of loose leaf
- Pens and or pencils
- Will be assigned 2-3 times a week
- Is checked the next class period. Points will be deducted from HW average for each missed assignment.
- You will be permitted to miss one HW assignment per quarter without a point deduction.
- HW can only be made up if you are absent from school.
- If you miss class due to music lessons or a guidance pass please show me HW before you leave .
- HW assignments are collected periodically and may be counted as a quiz grade therefore be prepared.
- Please place ALL handouts (worksheets, packets etc.) in your binder in date order. All handouts will be 3 hole punched. As soon as you receive a handout date it in the right hand corner.
- Notebook tests will be given every quarter.
- Stay organized.
- Will be announced and given regularly.
- Please make –up if missed due to ABSENCE.
Will be calculated as follows;
Tests and Quizzes 70%
HW 20%
& Preparation 10%
100% quarter grade
- see website for HW assignments
- Bonus questions will be posted weekly
Student Responsibilities
- Arrive on time and be seated, ready to work by the time the bell rings.
- Be prepared. Returning to your locker is not permitted.
- Please only ask for a bathroom pass if necessary at the beginning or at the end of the period.
I have read and understood the course requirements and have reviewed the information with my parents.
_____________________________ _____________________________
Student signature Parent signature
**Parents please note that this handout will be in the student’s binder throughout the entire school year and a copy is on my website. If you have any questions,
email me at, [email protected] or leave a message at #3473
Sra. A. Martin